Logging in to our site is quite simple. All you need is your email address and password you used when you originally asked your question. Click the link below for our login page.
If you are unable to login or get an error message, please try these fixes.
- Please ensure the email address is typed in correctly. Ensure there are no spaces before or after the email address.
- Please verify if this is the same email address you used when asking your question. To do this, please search your inbox for confirmation/notification email ExpertHelp.com sent you. If that doesn't show up, chances are you could have used a different email.
- If you have the right email address, then chances are it is the password.
- Forgot your password or didn't know you were given a password? - Do not worry; you can request a new password by using the Forgot Password option on the login page.
- Here's how you can do that. Enter the email address you used to ask your question in 'Forgot Password' on the login page. Then, click on 'Reset Password'. Ensure there are no spaces before or after your email address.
Changing your Password
It is important that you change your password as soon as you login for the first time. Click on 'Change Password' under 'Quick Links' on the 'Account Summary' page to do this.
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